• Suitable for all professionals who work with dogs, including breeders, veterinary staff, dog trainers, behaviourists, dog walkers and sitters, rescue workers, groomers and the keen dog owner, Canine Behaviour in Mind provides practical ideas that can be incorporated in daily interactions with dogs. Canine Behaviour in Mind presents advice on behavioural change in achievable and creative ways. It examines how the way we live and work with dogs may need adjusting to promote positive behavioural change in the animal as well as better welfare. Case studies with experts are included to guide readers in real-world situations. Scientific research is combined with trainer experience to ensure that the book has science at its heart and provides content of interest to a wide range of dog owners and professionals. Including a chapter on 'Teaching' written by Rosie Bescoby.
  • Fireworks

    This webinar outlines why dogs can become scared of fireworks, how to prevent firework phobia and what to do if your dog does show a fear of fireworks.


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