Play is good for the body & brain

(Published in Your Cat magazine, January 2017) Lots of scientific evidence shows that – in both human and non-human animals – play is good for the brain. Grizzly Bears that play the most, survive the longest. Rats that play more with other rats develop bigger, more complex brains. Play stimulates nerve growth in the portions of the brain that process emotions and executive function. The International Society of Feline Medicine and the American Association of Feline Practitioners state that providing toys and opportunities for play is one of the five pillars of a healthy environment for cats. Indeed, it has […]

By |2020-05-01T12:41:14+01:00February 8th, 2017|Cats, Pet News|0 Comments

Strange Divides

It is becoming increasingly more apparent that there are strange divides within the community of force-free dog trainers and behaviourists. There are those who swear by (and stick to) certain tools in their toolbox, and those who are vehemently anti- the same tools. These methods, protocols or equipment are not ones designed to cause fear or pain. As trainers & behaviourists, we work with a multitude of problems and a vast array of owners. Every pet and owner is a unique partnership. Each has its own story. Owners all have their own attitudes and beliefs, as well as mental and […]

By |2020-05-01T12:57:10+01:00September 26th, 2015|Cats, Dogs, Pet News|0 Comments


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